
Black Oaks is a small soccer club in Santa Rosa.

Extreme Sports Biking
Extreme Sports Biking
We specialize in player development for all ages.

In the mid 2000’s, I volunteered to coach my daughter Stephany’s rec soccer team for Laguna Soccer Club. The following year my son Jason wanted to play soccer as well.

I was coaching both teams, when another coach from the Laguna asked if I was interesting in taking over the competitive program (Black Oaks) with him. And so we did.

Laguna along with six other club in Santa Rosa decided to combine and would then form Empire and Santa Rosa South. By then Laguna’s competitive program Black Oaks had 6 teams playing for them. We were given an option to take Black Oaks and form our own club. But little did I know that my partner did not want continue coaching any more. Basically I was left alone.

Knowing that some families couldn’t afford other clubs in the area. I decided to make Black Oaks an affordable club for children who want to play soccer, and provided a safe environment where kids will learn team work, respect for one and other, and have an opportunity to have success in their lives.

If Black Oaks can change one child’s life I call it a success.

-Francisco Vallejo, President

Make Calculated Risks and Reap the Rewards

Black Oaks is a small soccer club in Santa Rosa.

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Extreme Sports Biking
We specialize in player development for all ages.

Dolor sit amet consectets adipiscing elits sed eiusmod tempor incidid untsayead labored dolore magna aliqua. Quis ipsum suspendise ultrices gravidas risu commodo viverra sed ipsum.

experience the passion

A Dynamic Group of Enthusiastic Athletes

get to know us

Meet the Board of Directors

Francisco Vallejo
Francisco Vallejo
Cristino Alvarado
Cristino Alvarado
Vice President
JP Campos
JP Campos
Lucy Tobar
Lucy Tobar
Club Secretary
Maria Valencia
Maria Valencia
share the passion

What People Are Saying

Wendy Howell

Black Oaks is a great place to start a kid out competitively as they have great coaches who train kids to be great soccer players. They do team building and club building events and care about the kids they coach. I have 5 kids and have been a soccer-mom for 15 years with 4 clubs and i have absolutely enjoyed my kids experience with Black Oaks